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March 9, 2021 Update

Vaccinations are now open to all individuals who are in Phase 1C , which includes essential workers and people at increased risk of COVID-19.

The Johnson & Johnson Janssen single dose COVID-19 vaccine is now available at Coal Country Community Health Center.

If you are interested in receiving the vaccine, call CCCHC to be placed on a wait list. You do not have to be an established patient of CCCHC to be eligible.

Phase 1C priority group includes:

  • National Guard, not previously covered
  • Workers enabling access to human food (i.e., grocery workers)
  • Public safety answering points (911)
  • Manufacturing related to the development or supply of COVID-19 vaccine
  • Other healthcare/public health workers not included in phase 1A
  • Free standing clinical laundries
  • Public transit - including bus, taxi, ride-share
  • Persons age 18 - 64 with one or more high-risk medical conditions
  • Blood bank workers not previously vaccinated
  • Information Technology workers unable to work from home
  • All other essential workers per Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) unable to work from home